
Welcome to my official site

Hello, and welcome to my official site.  You’ve come this far so I guess you probably already know who I am.

If you don’t know, there is an awesome group of people inside the membership area.  You might even call it a club where we discuss ideas for upcoming videos and scripts.  Or you can message me directly or simply chat.

Of course, as a member you will have access to watch full versions of all the hundreds of my prior and future erotic videos.                                                                                                                                                                  Can you really afford to pass all this up?  I don’t think you can!  So, I will be glad to see you join our little club very soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Love, Jeny                            

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Subscribe for a  free mailing  "story of a month" 

Often you ask explanations on what happened on the videos, what I felt and so on.
So, this free mailing subscpittion is what you


 Visit my accessories shop:
JS Fun Shop

Our the first video supposed to be for youtube

I had to meet her again to make SFW video


4K videos

Hello, everyone!

Last year, we started producing videos in 4K.

Please tell us if it is reasonable or if you prefer HD videos. (Or you don't see the difference) 


Jeny's Diner
Jeny's Diner
Length: 34 min 58 sec
Length: 35 min 59 sec
Just Massage prt 6 "Wearable Toy"
Just Massage prt 6 "Wearable Toy"
Length: 36 min 28 sec
My Real Fitness Instructor 
My Real Fitness Instructor 
Length: 54 min 30 sec
Just Massage prt 5
Just Massage prt 5
Length: 36 min 54 sec
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Warning, this site is for adults only! 



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